Returns & Exchanges
To request a return or exchange, please send an email to: and include the following information
1. If you would like to return or exchange your item(s)
2. Your order number
3. Name and quantity of item(s)
4. Reason for exchange or return
All items must be received back in its original packaging and be unworn/unused. We will send an email verification upon receipt of your item(s) and when your exchange or refund has been processed. We don't allow refunds or exchanges for:
- Any item not in its original condition, i.e. used, damaged or missing parts for reasons not due to our issues.
- Beyond 30 calendar days after delivered date.
- Final Sale items due to change of mind, unless deemed defective upon receipt through no fault of yours.
Shipping Address
To return or exchange a product, please mail it to the below address.
10156 Stathos Drive, Elk Grove CA 95757, USA
Send us an email as instructed above and we will confirm if your item is eligible for exchange or return.
Once the product is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received it. Free postage will be included in the email if you qualify for an exchange or return.
If your returned product qualifies for a refund, we will process it within 3 business days of receipt of item(s). A credit will be applied to your original method of payment within their allowed timeframes. We will email you the estimated date of refund immediately after we receive this information.
Late or Missing Refunds
If you believe that your refund is delayed, please check your credit card company, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay accounts or applicable payment source, as it may take some time before they officially post your refund.
If you’ve done all of this and still have not received your refund, do reach out to us at and we will assist in following up.
If your returned product qualifies for an exchange, we will contact you to confirm the details regarding your replacement product.
Please don't hesitate to send an email to for any questions during the return/exchange process.
Thank you for your interest in our products, and your support for our brand!